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Frequently Asked Questions
What types of consulting projects has SCORE been involved in?SCORE has been involved in many consulting engagements within credit and collections. This includes initiatives such as: Modernizing collections at a big five bank Initiating Business Process Outsourcing for a Canadian Credit Card Portfolio Advisor for third-party scorecard validations to support regulator audit requirements Consumer Finance Credit Policy Review
How does SCORE support client BPOs?SCORE works with your collection servicers to oversee and orchestrate the entire spectrum of activities in your accounts receivable management processes such as: Secure networks and PCI compliant housing of data assets Data exchanges of listings, payments, status updates Web-based interactive performance reporting Performance and operational oversight - from call calibrations and file audits to regularized performance reviews and targeted scorecards Back-office accounting, audit, payment processing, and frontline support of inquiries RFI and RFPs for additional collection services
What is the business case for BPO?SCORE acts as an extension of the lender to improve recovery results while managing your receivables. SCORE has over 25 years of dedicated accounts receivable management expertise, with a primary focus on collections profitability and efficiency though operational expertise, data processing, and analytics.
What is the minimum viable initiative for a SCORE BPO?Typically SCORE is involved in BPO engagements managing $10 million-$1+ billion (however circumstances may vary)
How can SCORE help in monetizing receivables?SCORE can support new sellers and more experienced lenders in maximizing their ROI from asset sales. This includes activities such as: Business case and account selection Data cleansing to reduce reputational risks and support sales presentation Supporting the drafting of the receivables purchase agreement and contract finalization Buyer vetting, due diligence, and corporate governance support Hosting online live auctions for receivable sales
Why would I sell receivables?Generate Immediate Income: Selling receivables allows you to convert a non-revenue producing asset into immediate income. This frees up core capital that might otherwise be tied up due to contractual charge-offs and insolvencies. Greater Certainty Around Returns: By selling receivables, you can mitigate uncertainty in collections. This means transferring the collections risk to another party, providing a more predictable stream of income. Potential to Improve Liquidation Rates: By selling receivables, you can offload non-working accounts that are not highly collectible. This allows you to focus your efforts and resources on more promising accounts, potentially leading to higher overall liquidation rates. Operational Cost Savings: Selling receivables can lead to operational cost savings. This includes savings in administration, data management, audits/quality assurance, and inventory handling. By outsourcing these tasks, your organization can focus more on its core activities. Integral Part of Collection and Recovery Process: Selling receivables forms a part of the overall collection and recovery process. It allows you to efficiently manage your debt portfolio and optimize financial performance. Structured Upside Potential: Receivable sales can be structured to share in the upside, particularly through back-end arrangements. This means that if the collections exceed expectations, you may still benefit from additional returns even after selling the receivables.
What is the minimum viable initiative for a SCORE supported debt sale?Typically SCORE is involved in supporting trades $10 million-$1+ billion (however circumstances may vary)
What is Project X?Project X is the combination of SCORE’s industry leading score data, technology, and advisory services as a combined offering to clients.
What type of data is required?SCORE is data agnostic, however Project X ingests datasets related to inventory listings, transactional payments, payment status updates, and operational throughput data (e.g. RPCs, contact attempts, contact methods, promises, digital exhaust data etc.).
What is the SCORE web application within Project X?SCORE’s web application is an interactive tool centred around collection scores that is customized to each client’s requirements. Within the web application, SCORE loads client data in its backend databases to drive business intelligence reporting to support: Portfolio insights and trending across client portfolio segments Actionable account target or exception lists that meet set criteria Allowing for the identification, optimization, and visualization of trending and opportunity segments
How is data transferred between organizations?SCORE utilizes various encryption and file transfer methods. A typical handshake would include a secure FPT tunnel, allow-listed IP addresses, and encryption using PGP and/or certificates. SCORE also encourages and utilizes tokenization to further secure files being transferred.
How can I order collection scores?A credit bureau subscriber agreement is required along with a pricing schedule for the respective score.
Does ordering a collection score create an inquiry on the consumer's file?Ordering a collection score results in a soft inquiry for the consumer (i.e. the inquiry is noted on the consumer’s credit bureau only, and does not negatively impact their credit score).
How are collection scores different from credit scores?Collection scores are developed on nationally sampled delinquent consumer tradelines only, which are then further segmented in a suite of scores by the level of delinquency and industry type for the tradeline.
How much do collection scores cost?Pricing for collection scores varies depending on the specific score being ordered and whether the order includes the addition of aggregated consumer credit bureau attributes (e.g. utilization, inquiries, active trades, balance info etc.). Higher monthly scoring volume commitments typically allows for discounted pricing.
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